We Actually Did It
We actually did it. With online orders flowing, manufacturing needing to be done, and one of our biggest wholesale orders popping up in our inbox after the car was loaded, we… left. We drove four hours to a secluded Maine peninsula, meeting up with the girls’ Grandpa and Nana with limited internet and—gloriously--nothing to do. Just salty air, eagles, and the ebb and flow of the ocean tide.
Every morning and evening we walked around the point. The girls opened a “sushi restaurant” on the beach, and I skipped a years’ worth of stones. We played rocket league, chess, and labyrinth. Katy finished a puzzle. I took Makayla and Kelsey out kayaking and for the first time ever, paddled right over a pod of jellyfish. We did a fire on the rocks, drank good wine, ate good food, and relaxed more than we have in a good long while.
I was really touched by our customers who heard we were going and celebrated with us or who told us quite firmly we needed a vacation whether one was planned or not. One of our FL customers even messaged to say she hoped we made it through the hurricane safely when she saw it was heading up the East coast.
Thank you, all.
Family vacation 2021