I don’t know if it’s possible to be brave when you’re 9 months old, but it certainly feels that way. At Emma’s December Doctor’s appointment, we asked about a little head nod she kept doing, which we first noticed in a video of her saying, “Da Da.” Our doctor said it was probably nothing, but after consulting with another doctor, wanted us to have it checked out right away, just a few days before Christmas. They were concerned she was having seizures.

After driving through a snowstorm for a consultation with a neurologist, we scheduled an EEG for the day after Christmas. Per their instructions, we were supposed to wake her up early and then drive in the car for two hours without her falling asleep so that she could nap during the EEG. I pictured her screaming the entire drive. Katy had other plans. She sat in the back with her baby girl playing peek-a-boo, doing puppetry, and singing Baby Got Back (thank you, Ross and Rachel). Up in front driving through the foothills of the White Mountains to Dartmouth Hitchcock, I listened to my baby girl, who could barely keep her eyes open, chortling and laughing at her mama’s standup routine, only crying a little bit the whole way.

Emma passed her EEG with flying colors. She did her head nod and slept soundly during the EEG, which confirmed everything was normal. We’ve always called her our super baby, and she lived up to her reputation, rewarded by the doctor with a purple Princess Diana teddy bear. Special thanks to the girls’ Aunty Lydia who took Makayla and Kelsey for six hours so that we could be at the EEG just the three of us and to the wonderful doctors and staff at every step.

Joel and Katy

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