My spot in the basement
I've been spending time here, my prayer spot in the basement, since my friends sent me pictures of where they are sleeping. I will be going down periodically today as we join the world in prayer and fasting. In my Bible, I have the names of my Ukrainian friends written in the margins of Psalm 94 as we pray for justice.
I'm so proud of you--our soap customers, family, and friends--for stepping up to help our friends in Ukraine. To date, you have given $5053, bringing us close to the beginning of our $6,000-$12,000 goal.
They've lost jobs, are facing rising bread costs, are evacuating, not knowing where to, and have all their family and friends in the same situation. It's overwhelming--but you refused to let your inability to help many, restrict your willingness to help a few. Thank you.
Joel and Katy