Makayla's Monster Goal

Makayla's Monster Goal

At the beginning of the summer, Makayla set the monster goal of buying her first mountain bike. She’s never had a summer job or even more than a little spending money from birthdays, but she kept asking if she could wrap our little hotel goat milk soaps for us, and finally, we relented. We said if she could wrap them as well as we did, they were hers to wrap, and we’d pay her a decent wage.

I honestly didn’t know how this would go. Some days she wanted to give up, some days she wanted to buy candy, but there were lots of days when I’d come down in the morning and find her in the office at 7 am steadily wrapping inn bars before breakfast.

If you’ve stayed at the Common Man Inn this summer (highly recommend!), there’s a good chance you’ve used a goat milk soap that was wrapped by Makayla. She’s the third generation to wrap them, and she wrapped around 2,000.

Last Sunday, we took her shopping, and she picked out a beautiful, new mountain bike. She even had enough money for a new helmet.

I couldn’t be prouder. I told her not to wrap anymore soaps this summer, and just enjoy every minute of her new bike. It’s so fun seeing her ride for hours, and to watch her carefully tuck her bike into the barn every evening.

We have big goals for Joy Lane Farm—goals that are far off, and ones that require tremendous grit to be reached. We draw our inspiration from a lot of sources, one of which is now Makayla and her new bike.

❤ Joel and Katy
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1 comment

I loved reading that story!! That is the best way to teach children. Thank you for sharing!
Joy Lane Farm replied:
Thanks, Burr! It was the highlight of our summer!


Burr Brooks

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