How to Clean Out Your Fall Candle Jar

How to Clean Out Your Fall Candle Jar

How to Clean Out Your Apple Candle Jar After It's Done!

It was a sunny, fall day when you left for the farmers market. A little crispness to the air, crimson leaves fluttering in the breeze, and those brilliant white, puffy clouds you only see in September. You meandered through the pumpkin stands, the heaps of carrots and other root crops, and bought yourself a little something to munch on from the local pastry makers. You were doing so contentedly when you saw them: fall candles. Apple candles, pumpkin candles, and lots of notes of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom.

Feeling a tug of excitement, you squinted to be sure you were right, yes, those were soy candles. Clean-burning, pleasantly (not overpoweringly) scented soy candles without artificial colors. “I love the cider-y notes!” you heard someone exclaim. “Oh my goodness, this is the best pumpkin candle,” said their friend. Patiently, you waited. You had your heart set on an apple cinnamon candle when the person in front of you--without pausing or considering--swept up all but the last fresh balsam candle. “oOo, Christmas is coming,” you thought.

You were stuck there for a moment, caught between that apple candle and the balsam candle, when you noticed a small ubiquitous sign that said, “Two for $30.” What if the answer had been there all along?

The weeks passed and with them your apple candle. “These apple candles burn forever,” you kept thinking. Friends came and went and made delightful comments, like, “Is there anything better than an apple candle in the fall?” Your house was filled with cinnamon and cider and the glory of New England.

Then, on a satisfying afternoon in October, your apple candle flickered it’s last flame. You noted the wax was a quarter inch from the bottom and you extinguished it with  the provided lid. “Wow, that was the best apple candle I’ve ever burned,” you whispered, sighing contentedly.

What do you do with the jar after you burn your apple candle?

At first, you went to throw it away, but felt a pang of guilt thinking of what your compostable lip balm tube would think if it saw that glass jar falling into the trash bin. “Maybe I could recycle it,” you thought, “or maybe they can reuse the candle jar to make another apple candle.”

Well, you were correct. We can (and do!) reuse our soy candle jars. What makes this possible is dedicated customers like you returning their jars after they’ve enjoyed their apple or fresh balsam candles!

How do you clean out your apple candle jar?

One of our customers (Way to go, Betsy!) was kind enough to take a bunch of photos of her apple candle jar the last time she cleaned it out so that you could see how she gets them SO clean and ready for us to use again! Here’s the steps she does:

Apple-Candle-How-to-clean-out-candle-jar Apple-Candle-How-to-clean-out-candle-jar-2

#1: Clean out apple candle jar with spoon to remove any wax (pro-tip: use a grapefruit spoon!).  

Apple-Candle-How-to-Clean-Out-Your-Candle-Jar-3 Apple-Candle-How-to-Clean-Out-Your-Candle-Jar-4

#2: Rinse apple candle jar with hot tap water.

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#3: Wipe apple jar with a paper towel.

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#4: Clean Apple Candle Jar with Dish Soap.

Apple-Candle-How-to-Clean-Out-Your-Candle-Jar-9 Apple-Candle-How-to-Clean-Out-Your-Candle-Jar-12

#5: Return Apple Jar to Maker for Reuse (and!) a discount on your next apple candle 😊


As always, thank you for enjoying our fall candles and cleaning the containers for reuse!

Did you enjoy reading about cleaning out Fall candle jars? Read about cultivating a cozy ambiance with pumpkin candles next!

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